Did our hearts not burn within us?
Monday, November 26, 2012
In the INN: "The Gospel According to Isaiah, Part 2"
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The Gospel According to Isaiah, Part 2
With Genesis 1-3, there is the widest end of the funnel: the whole human race is represented in Adam. Then after the fall, God issues his promise of the Savior of the world, but the church formed by this gospel promise is a small remnant: the line of Seth, rather than the line of Cain. Later, God calls Abram and promises him that he will be the father of many nations and in his seed all the families of the earth will be blessed, and as Paul points out he said one seed, Jesus Christ. So although the promised future blessing is worldwide, the carriers of the promise—the covenant community—is constantly being pruned to a remnant.
Click here to read the rest of this week's commentary.
Listen Now: "The Gospel According to Isaiah, Part 2"
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Prophecy & The Gospel (Begins on page 5 of PDF)
J. Gresham Machen
The Glory of the Coming Lord
Edmond Clowney
Preaching Christ from All the Scriptures
Dennis Johnson
The term, a German word, literally meaning "salvation-history", was coined in the eighteenth century and used in the nineteenth century by certain theologians who rejected Schleiermacher's attempt to rest theology upon religious feeling and emphasized the primacy of the biblical historical revelation. One way that this term is used today is to insist that the total history of revelation and salvation is connected with real events in actual history, of which Christ is both the center and the culmination. From all the variety of the New Testament elements there emerges one picture of the Christ-event from pre-existence to parousia. This view does not make the Christian religion dependent upon the vicissitudes of historical research; it is faith in Christ which makes sense of the witness of the biblical records, and faith is essential to the right understanding of their historical content. The stress is upon the acts of God in history.
(Adapted from A Dictionary of Christian Theology, s.v. "Heilsgeschichte")
View all "Terms to Learn"
"Israel is doing all of this out of fear of the Assyrians. The Assyrians can't do anything compared to what Yahweh can do!"
-- Kim Riddlebarger,
Co-Host, White Horse Inn
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Monday, October 29, 2012
White Horse Inn: In the INN: "What Does it Mean to be Protestant?"
In the INN: "What Does it Mean to be Protestant?"
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What Does it Mean to be Protestant?
Over the course of this mini-series on recovering the lost tools of discipleship, we've focused on the skills and practices that are required for growing up into Christ. But discipleship isn't just any school with just any curriculum. Paul lamented in Romans 10 that his brethren according to the flesh had zeal without knowledge. Yet it was their ignorance of something in particular that was keeping them from the kingdom of God: namely, the truth of the gospel. "For seeking to establish their own righteousness," he said "they did not submit to the righteousness of God that comes through faith in Christ."
Click here to read the rest of this week's commentary.
Listen Now: "What Does it Mean to be Protestant?"
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Conversations for a Modern Reformation
Michael Horton
The Crisis of Evangelical Christianity
Michael Horton
The Distinction between Law & Gospel
Michael Horton
The Reformation
In modern historiography the term Reformation is customarily applied to a series of religious protests and reforms that swept Europe during the sixteenth century. To speak of the Reformation, then, is not to speak of a single, coherent movement with a single leader and a unified program. At the same time, the term encompasses more than a disparate collection of movements unrelated to one another and sharing few or no common characteristics. Collectively, these parallel movements sought to reform the Western church in ways that went well beyond previous reform movements within Western Christendom in both degree and kind. Using scripture as their primary authority and the early church as a model ... these movements rejected the authority of the papacy and, to varying degrees, much of traditional belief and practice that had grown up within Medieval Catholicism. They also attempted to reestablish the church ... in accord with their often varying understandings of scripture and early Christianity.
(Adapted from The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation, s.v. "Reformation")
"If anything of virtue, the Christian life, progress, discipleship-if any of that sneaks over into the column 'justification' all is lost."
-- Rod Rosenbladt,
Co-Host, White Horse Inn
"The paradox is that if Christ is the final word, peoples' hearts fill with joy and gratitude and they suddenly desire to obey the law and begin obeying the commandments."
-- Kim Riddlebarger,
Co-Host, White Horse Inn
You can help us recover gospel-centered preaching, teaching, and worship in our churches.
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White Horse Inn | 1725 Bear Valley Parkway | Escondido, CA 92027 | (800) 890-7556
www.whitehorseinn.org www.modernreformation.org
Monday, September 17, 2012
Monday, April 30, 2012
WEEK OF APRIL 29, 2012 |
Join us throughout 2012 for great broadcasts of the WHI!
Scandalous Grace
Click here to read the commentaries from April.
Listen Now: "Scandalous Grace"
Here Comes the Judge Michael Horton God is Just Todd Wilken Does Justification Still Matter? Michael Horton |
The Grace of God
In the specific language of Scripture the grace of God is the unmerited love of God toward those who have forfeited it, and are by nature under a judgment of condemnation. It is the source of all the spiritual blessings that are bestowed upon unworthy sinners (Ephesians 1:6-7; 2:7-9; Titus 2:11; 3:4-7). The Mercy of God Another aspect of the love of God is his mercy or tender compassion. It is the love of God toward those who are in misery or distress, irrespective of their desires. It contemplates man as one who is bearing the consequences of sin, and is therefore in a pitiable condition. it is exercised only in harmony with the strictest justice of God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ. (From Louis Berkhof's Manual of Christian Doctrine, p. 67)
"If we have a superficial view of sin—that is, just 'sins'—the logical connection is to a cross with a life-coach on it."
-- Rod Rosenbladt Co-Host, White Horse Inn "I've even critiqued the concept of God being 'the God of second chances.' No he's not! He is the God of second life... he is the God of second Adams." -- Ken Jones Co-Host, White Horse Inn Find out how! |
Monday, March 12, 2012
White Horse Inn Play List - This Week: True and False Piety
True & False Piety
In Matthew 6, Jesus warns his followers about various forms of "showy" righteousness: "Beware of practicing your righteousness before others in order to be seen by them." Elsewhere, Jesus criticized the Pharisees for similar reasons, saying that outwardly they were like beautiful decorated tombs, yet inwardly were full of dead bones (Matt. 23:27). On this program, the hosts discuss this section of the Sermon on the Mount and evaluate some of the ways in which contemporary Christians are guilty of breaking this command.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Excellent Series on White Horse Inn - Sermon On The Mount
The Beatitudes
Posted: Sun, 12 Feb 2012 05:00:00 +0000
In the beginning of his Sermon on the Mount, Jesus pronounces a blessing on his disciples saying, "Blessed are the poor in spirit," "blessed are the meek," "blessed are the pure in heart," and so forth. But what does it mean to be meek or pure in heart, and how does one qualify for this kind of blessing? If only the pure in heart are blessed, how can any of us be saved? On this program, the hosts will address these questions as they conclude their discussion of the Beatitudes in their new series on the Sermon on the Mount.
The Sermon on the Mount
Posted: Sun, 05 Feb 2012 05:00:00 +0000
The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most beloved and yet often misunderstood passages of the entire Bible. Many think of it as a blueprint for the gradual improvement of the human race through pacifism, love, and generosity. But is Jesus talking to the world in general or to his disciples in particular? Is this sermon exclusively about ethics or does it also include the gospel? How should we interpret the Sermon on the Mount? That's what's on tap for this edition of the White Horse Inn.