Did our hearts not burn within us?

Did our hearts not burn within us?

Thursday, December 04, 2008

The Looming Christian College Cri$i$

This is a letter I wrote to the Christian Standard Editor. I hope this email will be seen as a genuine concern for the Church as a whole. It is certainly easier while I'm not a pastor to point these things out and I certainly have had help from Mike Horton and the guys on the White Horse Inn.

Grace and peace,
Chris Allen
Coram Deo!!!

Dear Christian Standard,

I have recently been visiting your online magazine and I have been pleased to see what has been written recently.
I have a hobby or ministry of evaluating preaching and church trends which also includes the Christian Colleges. I want to call churches back to the Gospel and Christ Centered preaching.

Over the years I have observed what has been produced by these Christian colleges and I'm concerned about what many of these "would-be" pastors or worship leaders have been taught. They come to us saying "this is how you should do ministry". And we reply emphatically, "No it is not!!!".

I have also visited and attended classes at 3 Christian Colleges (Ozark, Manhattan, and Johnson). I also have visited several churches planted by these colleges. I must say I am a little disappointed with what is being done in the name of Christ. It seems that the Gospel is assumed, and that we ultimately have a teaching that is moralistic, therapeutic, and deistic. I could get this same teaching from Anthony Robbins, Joel Osteen, or the Mormon Church. So, in a sense what I have seen coming out of these several years is basically a Christless Christianity.

So, to the point of this note to the editor, from my standpoint is I've lost any kind of confidence in the Christian Colleges. And I have a daughter attending one of these at this very moment. I'm especially concerned after recently attending the Missionary Convention I listened to the keynote speaker and interviewed many representatives of colleges and mission organizations. So now I'm starting to wonder if this Christless Christianity has infected the entire American Church. It is very discouraging and it is with a heavy heart that I write this and I plead with you the Christian Churches to do a self evaluation once again and maybe it is time for a "Reformation" to bring us back to a Christ Centered, Gospel preaching, church.

Here is a book entitled Soul Searching: The Religious and Spiritual Lives of American Teenagers

Also, a book and a website by Mike Horton called Christless Christianity.

Grace and Peace,
Coram Deo!!!

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